I am electro hypersensitive and I have tried other portable devices and also stones but they didn’t work for me. With the Blushield I feel more relaxed and balanced and it improves my ability to concentrate.
What really fascinates me was the reaction of my horse and ponies when I first had the device on me. I put my horse in the meadow and was arranging her hey, but she kept a few meters distance and had this strange, investigating look in her eyes. Normally she starts to eat right away. Then she came towards me and put her nose to my pocket where I had the Blushield. She stood there for a few seconds before she started eating her hey. Then I put my two ponies in the meadow and they usually run away when I let them go, but they kept standing with me and also put their noses to my pocket. So clearly they feel the Blushield and find it pleasant. Horses are flight animals so if they don’t trust something their first instinct is to run away.
I recently also went to a family to measure emf with my Gigahertz HF-meter. The woman I spoke with mentioned that their dog was less hostile to me than to other strangers. So I think that also must have been because I was carrying the Blushield.
The reason I noticed that the battery was flat was actually that I started to forget my Blushield and I even couldn’t find it last Sunday. I normally never forget it, which also is an indication for me that it works. Other devices that I had and stones I forgot to take with me all the time.